Arjun Kakkar

Arjun Kakkar

Arjun is a Data Viz Developer at The DataFace where he builds interactive graphics and immersive experiences for companies and non-profit organizations. Combining his training in math and storytelling work in journalism, Arjun creates research driven cutting-edge data projects for the web.

Prior to his work at The DataFace, Arjun has held positions as an Interactive Developer and Designer at Wonderful, POLITICO and NJ Advance Media.

He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics from Williams College.

Gabriella Carmona

Gabriella Carmona

Gabriella is a Master’s student of Urban and Regional Planning at the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs. She is driven by a passion for combating social and economic injustice — from supporting civic leaders in adopting policies that prioritize quality of life, to democratizing data that bring to light disparities and empowering everyday citizens with practical solutions for inclusion and equity.

While pursuing her studies, she serves as a Policy Analyst at the UCLA Latino Policy and Politics Institute, developing policy tools and research that help stakeholders participate in crucial policy conversations. Previously, she was a Senior Policy Associate at New American Economy (NAE), a bipartisan research and advocacy organization dedicated to immigration reform. At NAE, she used research to provide direct technical support to local governments committed to developing community-based solutions to improve local economic, political, and social infrastructure.

She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in History and Political Science from Williams College and was an undergraduate Mellon Mays Fellow.